Voter Resources
for the November 2, 2021 General Election
Choose from one of the following
Go to your regular polling location on Election Day, Tuesday, Nov 2nd, 2021.
Vote by mail.
Vote at any In-Person Early Voting Location.
1. Go to your regular polling location on Election Day, Tuesday, November 2nd, 2021.
The polls are open from 6am to 8pm.
Check your sample ballot for your polling location or visit vote.nj.gov
2. Vote by Mail.
If you are not set up to receive one already, applications must be received by October 26th. To check your status contact the Bergen County Clerk’s Office at 201–336-7020 or electionsclerk@co.bergen.nj.us
You may cast your vote by mail ballot by:
Mailing it in as soon as possible. Your ballot must be postmarked on or before Election Day.
Deposit in a Secure Ballot Drop Box no later than 8pm on Election Day. Drop box locations can be found at www.bergencountyvotes.com
Deliver your Vote by Mail ballot in person to the Board of Elections located at 1 Bergen County Plaza - Room 310 by 8pm on Election Day.
3. Vote at any In-Person Early Voting Location.
Early Voting Locations will be open Saturday, October 23rd through Sunday, October 31st.
Hours will be Monday-Saturday, 10am to 8pm and Sunday, 10am to 6pm
For questions about your Vote-By-Mail Ballot contact the Bergen County Clerk's Elections Division at (201) 336-7020 or electionsclerk@co.bergen.nj.us
For questions about your polling place, or locations for secure drop boxes contact the Bergen County Board of Elections at elections@co.bergen.nj.us or
(201) 336-6230
For questions about voter registration or to report a potential election violation contact the Office of the Bergen Count Superintendent of Elections at
(201) 336-6109 or soe@co.bergen.nj.us
To track your Vote-By-Mail Ballot, locate your polling location or secure ballot drop boxes, or check the status of your voter registration please visit vote.nj.gov