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In accordance with its mission, the Wallington Library strives to provide free access to information via print, media and digital materials. Additionally, the Library provides free access to the vast amount of information found on the internet. To that end, the Library provides free access to the internet through the use of public computers as well as through public wireless access.


Public computers are available on a first-come, first-serve basis. The library reserves the right to establish procedures for implementing time limits and/or sign-ins. The library reserves the right to end internet sessions at any time. 


Patrons utilizing the public computers are allowed a minimum of 30 minutes on the computer (unless otherwise posted by the library). Patrons utilizing the public computers for game play, video watching, chat rooms, or other entertainment purposes may be asked by library staff to end their session if another patron needs to conduct research and no other computers are available. The use of public computers for research for materials and information takes precedence over all other activities. 



The internet is currently an unregulated medium. As such, content and images may be inaccurate, biased, or offensive. Each individual internet user must determine the appropriateness and usefulness of the information found. The Library is not responsible for nor has any control over internet content. Furthermore, the Library does not endorse or sanction the content or point of view of any information found via the internet. Internet users are encouraged to evaluate the validity and reliability of the information they find. Users are also welcome to ask library staff for guidance in finding useful and accurate websites. 


The Library cannot and does not guarantee the security of private information transferred over the public network. Internet users are cautioned against the transmission of private information such as financial, medical, or legal information. The library network is an open network and public computers are used by many different individuals throughout the day. Users are cautioned to completely log out of any personal accounts or services they accessed via the public computers. The Library is not responsible for any accounts, passwords, personal information and/or identity that is hacked or hijacked.


All patrons are expected to comply with the computer/internet use guidelines set forth in this policy. As with all library resources, the interest is to be used in a respectful and appropriate manner. Failure to comply with the guidelines set forth in this policy may result in the suspension of computer/internet privileges. 


Users are prohibited from modifying any computer settings even for temporary use. Users may request that the library staff modify a computer (for example install a missing plug-in), however requests can be denied at the discretion of the staff based on familiarity with the modification in question. Requested modification may also not be immediately implemented. 


Public computers are periodically wiped of all non-library related documents and downloads. To keep any information, users must print, email, or save the information to a portable USB/external drive. Virus protection is installed on public computers, but users are responsible for virus protection on personal devices. The Library is not responsible for any damage to personal devices/equipment resulting from downloading or uploading on the internet.


Users may use public computers to conduct commercial or business enterprises, however use of the public computers cannot be excessive as determined by the library staff. Users may not use the public computers or wireless network to send threatening, harassing, or offensive messages or images or to deliberately transit a computer virus. Users may not transmit or receive copyrighted material in violation of U.S. Copyright Law (Title 17, U.S. Code). Use of the internet for any activities that violate local, state, or federal laws is strictly prohibited. 


As with all other library materials, parents or guardians are responsible for what their children have access to.  The Library cannot act “in loco parentis” (in the place of a parent) for children accessing the internet, and upholds the right of the parents or guardians to direct/oversee their children's internet activity. Families are encouraged to discuss guidelines and limitations of internet access and use in accordance with their own family values.


Parents and guardians are solely responsible for what their children access via the internet. The Library only has filtering software installed on its laptop computers. Parents/guardians are encouraged to accompany their children or have a caregiver accompany them when they are accessing the internet, as unaccompanied children may see things that parents/guardians find objectionable. As stated previously, the Library cannot act “in loco parentis” and is not responsible for screening what is acceptable for children.


The Library’s public computers are centrally located within the library and patrons of all ages and sensibilities can easily see the computer screens. Library staff reserves the right to ask any internet user to exit a website if another patron finds the content offensive or inappropriate for public view. Users who fail to comply with this policy could have their library privileges suspended. Users who become argumentative and/or refuse to exit the website/log off from the computer when asked to do so will have their internet access privileges suspended.


The Library is confident that individuals will use sound judgement as to what is acceptable to fellow community members. 


The Library reserves the right to modify the Computer/Internet Use Policy as necessary to ensure fair and responsible use of the internet. 


The Library maintains no record of individuals using the internet. The Library may keep a record of patrons violating the Computer/Internet Use Policy. 


This Computer/Internet Use Policy affirms the safeguarding of First Amendment rights, intellectual freedom, equity of access, confidentiality of information about users and their use of all library resources including electronic and individual responsibility. The Library affirms the principles and user rights as delineated in the American Library Association’s Library Bill of Rights in Cyberspace. 

Updated and adopted by the Library Board of Trustees on February 17, 2022

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