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New Library Giving

A truly once in a library lifetime opportunity:

Sponsor the New Library's Interior & Exterior Components

Nothing lasts forever, except maybe a Library Circulation Desk and Library Shelving. With the new library building set to complete in 2023, sponsoring interior and/or exterior components of the new library will provide a lasting impact on the community and lend your name or the name of a loved one to the Library for decades to come!


Sponsors can choose to donate towards the new library in general, donate towards specific interior or exterior components, or donate specific interior or exterior components in their entirety.

3D rendering of the new adult area by Creative Library Concepts

Ways to Contribute

Building our new Wallington Veterans Memorial Library provides a unique opportunity to make a lasting contribution to the library by providing interior and exterior components vital to the library's ability to serve the community. 


Choose to make a general donation to the New Library or earmark your donation for a specific element of the new library. Donors will be recognized on our website below; or choose to sponsor a specific interior or exterior component of the new space and have your name, business, or the name of a loved one recognized directly on the component via a plaque.


If you are interested in earmarking a donation or sponsoring a specific component of the new library please contact the library director at

3D rendering of the new children's area by Creative Library Concepts

3D rendering of the new teen area by Creative Library Concepts

Thank You to our New Library Donors!

General New Library Support
Specific New Library Support
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