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Our library is very lucky to have a

wonderful team of local teen volunteers!


Our volunteers help out with many of our programs and events, create digital content, and volunteer on the Teen Committee to earn community service hours for school, church, and other outside organizations. We are happy to welcome new volunteers. If you are interested please download the application and either email to our Youth Coordinator at or come drop it off at the front desk!



Volunteer Application and Policy 

Teen Volunteer Information





Who can be a Teen Volunteer?

The library’s teen volunteer program is open to students in Grades 7 thru 12th grade. Students in sixth grade can begin to volunteer at the library in January of their sixth grade year; exceptions can be made if a sixth grader needs community service credit for religious obligations. Teens age out of the Teen Volunteer program after they graduate high school.


What will you do as a Teen Volunteer?
  • Craft Helper: Create take-home craft kits for kids, cut out shapes from patterns and assemble them into bags as instructed by the Youth Services librarians at the library.

  • Program assistance: Assist the librarians with programs both in the library and online. 

  • Teen Committee: Attend and Contribute to regular meetings to brainstorm program and event ideas. 

  • Content Creation: Tap into your creativity by creating content for the Youth Social Media platforms. 


What qualities does the library want in a Teen Volunteer?
  • Creativity! Are you handy with a pair of scissors? Are you a glue stick pro? Do you like taking pictures and videos? There are plenty of creative opportunities in the library. 

  • Attention to detail! While we don’t expect perfection, we would rather a task be done carefully than a rushed job completed in a hurry.

  • Learning! We might ask you to do something you’ve never done before, which is a great way for you to learn new skills!.

  • Tech savvy! If your cell phone never leaves your hand and your tablet is your best friend, you’d be a great fit for Virtual Program Assistance, or as a contributor to our social media team!

  • Love of the library! We hope that you want to help out at the library because you enjoy using the library yourself. We love sharing the library with you and we’re happy that you want to share your talents with us!.

  • Change Makers:  Do you want to make a difference in your community, but don’t know where to start? The library has the potential to impact a lot of people on a daily basis. Together we can do more than as individuals. 


What behavior does the library expect from a Teen Volunteer?
  • Dependability. We expect you to show up on time and stay for your entire shift. If you can’t make it, we expect that you or your parent will let us know.

  • Respect. We expect you to be respectful of library patrons, staff members, and other volunteers. Your behavior while volunteering reflects upon the library.

  • Neatness. We expect you to clean up after yourself and put back any items or tools you’ve used during your shift. Library staff should not have to clean up after you when you leave.

  • Communication. We expect you to tell us if you don’t understand instructions for a task you are given, or if you don’t feel comfortable doing a certain task. Give us the chance to clarify the task, or the opportunity to give you a different task you are better suited for. We want you to feel comfortable and confident in the jobs we give you. 

If you have any questions

Thanks for your interest in becoming a Library Volunteer! We will contact you as soon as possible.

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